Taiwan Strengthens Sanctions on Russia: High-Tech Goods Targeted

Taiwan has expanded its sanctions against Russia and Belarus to include additional high-tech goods that could be used for military purposes. This decision was made in response to Russia’s military operation in Ukraine. It also aims to prevent Taiwanese high-tech goods from being used for military purposes. The expanded Russian sanctions list includes equipment for making semiconductors. It also includes certain chemicals, and medicines, targeting the chip industry and other sectors.

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Taiwan has condemned Russia’s attack on Ukraine and has joined the Western-led sanctions effort, although there is minimal direct trade between the island and Russia. The European Union, the United States, and other countries have also collected weapon debris from Ukrainian battlefields, and Taiwan’s new sanctions are consistent with their efforts.

Taiwan has been rigorously monitoring exports of goods from Taiwanese producers to Russia and Belarus since March 1, 2022, under the Wassenaar Arrangement. In April and May last year, the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) widened the scope of export restrictions to 57 products, including computer information, sensors, lasers, and aerospace products. Exporters must submit an application to the Bureau of Foreign Trade, MOEA, for a Strategic High-Tech Commodities (SHTC) export license before sending the goods. The Bureau of Foreign Trade, will decide whether to approve the export based on the product’s end-use and other factors.

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This year, the export control list was further expanded to cover new products in Categories 0, 1, and 2. This is in line with the export regulations of the European Union and the United States. Category 0 refers to nuclear materials, facilities, equipment, and miscellaneous things. This includes police batons, foot and handcuffs, law enforcement restraints, electroshock handcuff belts, and torture implements. Category 1 products include high-strength fiber and filamentous materials.

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Impact on Taiwan’s High-Tech Industry

The expansion of sanctions against Russia could impact Taiwan’s high-tech industry. This is because it targets sectors such as semiconductors, chemicals, and medicines. However, the Taiwanese government aims to fulfil international cooperation and maintain the security of its high-tech sectors. The European Union, the United States, and other countries have expressed support for Taiwan’s efforts to expand its sanctions.


Taiwan’s decision to expand its Russian sanction demonstrates its commitment to Ukraine. It wants to prevent high-tech goods from being used for military purposes. It is also supporting international cooperation in addressing security threats against Ukraine. The expanded sanctions list covers a range of products, including semiconductors, chemicals, and medicines. This is in line with the export regulations of the European Union and the United States.

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Source/VIA :

Via: gizchina.com

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